Blood Bank Request Form / Transfusion Record Form Changes

Effective 6th May 2024, Pathlab will be moving to using the nationalised standard pre transfusion Blood Bank Request Form and Transfusion Record Form. These forms replace the local forms currently used in Rotorua and Taupo Hospitals. This standardisation will make it easier for clinical staff as they move between hospitals.

This has become urgent due to NZBS adopting the ISBT numbering system for blood components. From 09/06/24 a 14-digit unit number will be introduced for blood components. There is no requirement for this number to be transcribed onto the Transfusion Record Form and doing so will only introduce errors leading to unnecessary delays.

This will allow familiarisation for clinical staff and laboratory staff before the ISBT component numbers are introduced.

The new forms can be ordered via your current process.

Additionally, the consent form for prescription of blood components or products to issue blood still MUST be completed by the clinical staff who will hold the responsibility for these steps to be completed. However, NZBS and the rest of Pathlab do NOT require the sighting of the consent forms and prescriptions so these forms are no longer required by the laboratory for blood to be issued.