Medical test results should not be interpreted in isolation but in conjunction with any clinical signs and symptoms a person may also have – your registered healthcare provider has specific training and experience in this. Pathlab do not provide any interpretation services for results on self-requested tests. We strongly advise you to consult your healthcare provider about interpretation of the results. Pathlab has no responsibility for the ongoing security of your results once they are sent.
Most routine tests are able to be requested as a Patent Referral (Patient Paid) without a doctors form. Please note however that some tests require clinical indications (a sign , symptom or medical condition that leads to the recommendation of treatment or procedure) so may not be available.
Self requested testing is not funded. You will be required to pay for your testing.
Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora provide funding for laboratory testing services and many services are free for eligible patients. Unfortunately there are strict guidelines we have to adhere to. When funding is not available you will be required to pay for your testing.
All Pathlab collection facilities are equipped with EFTPOS. We apologise for any inconvenience, but we do not accept cash or cheques and do not have account options for payments of personal testing.
Maternal Serum - 1st Trimester 9-13 weeks, 6 days
Maternal Serum - 2nd Trimester 14-20 weeks, 6 days
17 Alpha Hydroxy Progesterone
Acid Phosphatase, Serum
Adrenalin, Serum
Adrenalin, Urine
AFP - Alphafetoprotein
Alanine Amino Transferase, Serum (ALT)
Albumin Creatine Ratio (ACR)
Albumin, Serum
Alcohol, Diagnostic purposes only
Aldosterone, Urine
Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
Alpha 1 Anti Trypsin, Serum
Alpha Thalassaemia Gene Study
Aluminium, plasma
Ameobic Serology
Amino Acids, Urine
Ammonia, Urine
Amphetamines, Urine (incl. creatinine)
Amylase, Serum
Antenatal Antibodies including Coombs Test
Antenatal First
Antenatal Subsequent
Anti - GAD
Anti CCP IgG Antibodies
Anti Thrombin III
Anti-Gliadin antibodies
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
Anti-Nuclear Antibody (ANF)
Antistreptococcal Antibodies (AST, Dnase B)
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastic Time)
Arsenic Urine
Aspergillus Fumigatus IgG, Preciptins
AST (Aspartate Amino Transferase, Serum)
Auto Immune Disease, Thyroid
Auto-Antibodies, other each
Avian Preciptins
Barbituates , Urine (incl. creatinine)
Bence Jones Protein, urine (BJP)
Bicarbonate or Total CO2 Serum
Bilirubin Total, Conjugated & Unconjugated, Serum
Bilirubin Total, Serum
Blood Cultures x2
Blood Grouping – ABO / Rhesus Group
Blood grouping - Rhesus - Phenotyping
Blood Grouping - Rhesus - Titre
BNP (Brain Natriuetic Peptide)
Bordetella Pertusis - PCR
Brucella Culture
C3 or C4 Complement ea
CA 125
CA 153
CA 199
Calcium and Phosphate
Calcium, 24 hr Urine
Calcium, Serum
Candida Auris (screen)
Cannabinoids, Urine (inc. creatinine)
Carbamazepine (medication)
Cardiac Enzymes
Catecholamines, 24 hour urine
CBC (Complete Blood Count)
CD 3,4,8
Cervical Smear (liquid based)
Chicken Pox (Varicella Zoster virus IGG)
Chicken Pox (Varicella Zoster Virus IGM)
Chlamydia - 1st Catch Urine
Chlamydia Antibodies
Chlamydia Swab - PCR
Chloride, Serum
Cholesterol Total, Serum
Cholinesterase Phenotype
Cholinesterase, Plasma
CK (Creatine Kinase, Serum)
CMV IgG, IgM (Cytomegalovirus)
CMV Viral Load
CMV, IgG Avidity
Coagulation Factors Individual Assays refer Factors
Coagulation Profile
Cobalt, Urine
Cocaine, Urine
Coeliac Screen
Collect sample and give back - nationally
Collect sample and spin - International
Collect sample and spin - nationally
Complement Pathway
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Coombs Test
Corticotrophn Releasing Hormone
Cortisol, (Stimulation or Suppression Tests)
Cortisol, Saliva
Cortisol, Serum
Cortisol, Urine
COVID - Swab
CPE Screen
Creatinine Clearance Test (24hour Urine & Serum)
Creatinine, 24 hr Urine
Creatinine, Serum
CRP (C-Reactive Protein)
Cytology, Urine, Sputum, Aspirate - each specimen
Diptheria IGG
Direct Antigen Test (DAT)
Direct Coombes
DNA for paternity/maternity - appointment required, prior payment made to DNA Diagnostics.
As per DNA Diagnostics website.
Donath-Landsteiner Reaction
Drug Screen, Urine (Amphet, Barbit, Cannabino, Opiates)
ds DNA (Double Stranded DNA)
E2 (Oestradiol, Serum)
EBV (Epstein-Barr virus IgG and IgM antibody)
Electrolytes (Na, K)
Electrophoresis Concentrated Urine
Electrophoresis Pattern, Serum
Endomysial Antibodies
English Measles
Enteric PCR
Epstein-Barr Virus IgG Antibody (EBV)
Epstein-Barr Virus IgM Antibody
ESBL Screen, Faeces
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)
Extended Gastrointestinal Panl (incl. Norovirus)
Factor II
Factor IX
Factor IX Genetic Analysis
Factor V
Factor V Leiden Mutation
Factor VII
Factor VIII
Factor VIII Genetic Analysis
Factor X
Factor XI
Factor XII
Factor XIII
Faecal Parasites (Ova and Cysts)
Faeces - Giardia Direct Antigen Test (EIA)
Faeces - Rectal Swab (for sexually transmitted diseases)
Faeces - Rotavirus
Faeces Bacterial Molecular (Enteric Pathogens)
Fasting Lipids (Chol, Trig, HDL, LDL)
FBC (Full Blood Count)
Ferritin, Serum
Fibrinogen (Quantitative)
Filaria Blood Film
Filariasis Serology
FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration)
FNA (Not our Pathologists)
Folate, Red Cell (incl Serum Folate)
Folic Acid
Free Light Chains, Serum
Free PSA (inc total PSA)
Free T3 (FT3)
Free T4 or Free Thyroxine Index (FT4)
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
Fungal Culture
G6PD Assay
G6PD Screen
GAD Antibodies
Genital Swab
Gest. GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test)
GGT (Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, Serum)
Giardia / Cryptosporidium Antigen
Gilberts Disease
Gliadin Antibodies
Glomerular Basement Membrane Antibody
Glucose - Fasting
Glucose - Random
Glucose Tolerance Test Standard
Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C)
Growth Hormone
GSA (Giardia Specific Antigen)
H Pylori Antigen (Faeces)
H Pylori Serology (Blood)
Haemaglobin - Electrophoresis (refer Thalassaemia Screen)
Haemaglobin Pigments - Quantitative
Haemoglobinopathy Screen (refer Thalassaemia Screen)
Haemophilia Genetic Testing
HbA1C (Glycosylated Haemoglobin)
HBV Immunity or status (anti-HBS, HBsAg, anti-HBc)
HBV Infection (HBsAg)
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatrophin)
Heparin (Anti FXA)
Hepatitis A IgG and IgM Antibody
Hepatitis A IgM Antibody
Hepatitis B - (Anti HBc) Antibody
Hepatitis B - (Anti HBs) Antibody
Hepatitis B - (HBeAg) Antigen
Hepatitis B - (HBsAg) Surface Antigen
Hepatitis B - Viral DNA
Hepatitis B Viral Load
Hepatitis C Antibody
Hepatitis C (Confirmation)
Hepatitis C Genotyping
Hepatitis C Viral Load
Hepatitis D Antibody
Hepatitis D DNA
Herpes Simplex 1 & 2 Antibodies ( Serum)
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) PCR - Swab
HHV6 level (Serology)
HIV Screen
HIV Viral Load
HPV (Human Papiloma Virus)
Human Growth Hormone
Huntington Disease Screen
Hydatids Antibody
Hydroxy-Indolesacetic Acid (Serotonin)5HIAAA 24hr Urine
IBC (Iron Binding Capacity, Serum)
IFAB (Intrinsic Factor Antibody)
IGF-BP3 (Binding Protein 3)
Immigrations - Standard tests per form issued July 2012
Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) each
Immunoglobulins IgE
Influenza PCR (A, B, RSV)
INR (Prothrombin Ratio)
Insulin (includes Glucose)
Insulin Antibodies
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies IIFAB
Iodine 24 hr Urine
Iron Profile (Iron serum / Transferrin / Ferritin serum)
Lead Blood
Lead, Urine
Legionella Antibodies
Legionella PCR
Leptospirosis Antibody
Leptospirosis Culture
Leptospirosis PCR
LFTs (Liver Function Group)
LH (Luteinising Hormone )
Lipids (Chol, Trig, HDL, LDL)
Lipoproteins Electrophoresis Serum
Lupus Erythematosis Cells (LE Cells)
Luteinising Hormone (LH)
Lymphocyte Subsets CD 3,4,8
Magnesium, Serum
Magnesium, Urine
Malaria screen
Manganese, blood
Measles Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
Measles IgG - Immune Status
Measles IgM
Mercury Blood
Mercury Urine
Metanephrines, Free
Methadone, Plasma
Methadone, Urine
Micro Alb/Creat Ratio
Morbilli, Measles, IgM or IgG ea
MRSA - (each swab)
MSU (Urine Culture)
Mumps IgG
Mumps IgM
Mycology, Skin
Myeloperoxidase antibosies (MPO - part of ANCA)
Myocardial Screen (AST,CK)
Myoglobin, Urine
Neonatal Screen (Hb PCV Blood Film)
Norovirus Antigen
Oestradiol, Serum (E2)
Opiates, Urine (incl.creatinine)
Osmolality, Serum or Urine ea
Other, Culture, Sensitivities and Identification
Ova and cysts (Faecal Parasites)
Oxalate, Urine
Parathormone (PTH)
Partial Thromboplastin Clotting Time
Pertussis PCR
Pertussis Serology (Whooping Cough)
PFA (Platelet Function Analysis)
PH p02 and pC02
Phosphate, Serum
Plasma Prothrombin Ratio (INR)
Polio Virus
Polycose Screen
Potassium 24hr Urine
Potassium, Serum
Pregnancy Test
Progesterone - Serum
Progesterone – Salivary
Prolactin, Serum
Protein C
Protein Electrophoretic Pattern, Serum (EPP)
Protein S
Proteins Total, Serum
Proteins, 24 hr Urine
Prothrombin Mutation
Prothrombin, Plasma
Protienase 3 Antibodies (part of ANCA)
PSA (Prostatic Specific Antigen)
PTH (Parathormone)
Quantiferon Gold
Rabies Virus IGG
RAST - IgE Specific (each)
Red Cell Magnesium
Red Cell or White Cell Enzyme
Renal Calculi
Reticulocytes (Red Blood Cell Inclusion Bodies)
Rheumatoid Factor
Rickettsia PCR
Rotavirus PCR
Rubella (Infection - Paired Sera)
Rubella Antibodies - Immune Status
Schistosammiasis AB Serum
Selenium - Plasma
Selenium Profile - Urine
Seminal Fluid - Fertility
Seminal Fluid - Post Vasectomy
Serotonin, Blood
Sharps Container - Large
Sharps Container - Small
Sickling Test (refer Thalassaemia Screen)
Skin Antibodies
Skin Scraping
Skin prick allergy (each)
Sodium & Potassium, 24 hr Urine
Sodium & Potassium, Serum
Sodium, Serum
Sputum (TB - each)
Sputum Culture
Streptococcal Antibodies (ASOT, Dnase B)
Swab, Ear
Eye culture (swab)
Mouth culture (swab)
Nasal culture (swab)
Peri-Anal culture (swab)
Skin culture (swab)
Swab, Throat
Swab, Urogenital
TB - Any Specimen Type
TCT, (Thrombin Clotting Time)
Testesterone, Salivary
Testosterone, Serum
Tetanus IgG
Thalassaemia Screen
Thyroid Antibodies (Auto-Immune Disease, Thyroid) anti-TPO)
Tissue autoantibody panel (GPCA, AMA, SMA, LKM)
Tissue Transglutamase Antibodies (TTG)
Toxoplasma Antibodies, IgG
Toxoplasma Antibodies, IgM
Toxoplasma PCR
Toxoplasma, IgG Avidity
Triglycerides, Fasting Only
Troponemal Antibodies
Troponin I
Troponin T
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Serum)
Tuberculosis -(Quantiferon-TB Gold) All Sites ea
Urea, Serum
Uric Acid, Serum
Urinary Calculi Analysis
Urine Culture (MSU)
Urine Free Cortisol
Varicella Zoster (VZV) DNA
Varicella Zoster virus (Chicken Pox)
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgM
Vitamin A
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B2
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin D; 25 Hydroxycholecalciferal
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
VMA (Vanilly Mandelic Acid, 24hr rine for under 12yrs only)
Von Willebrand Disease
Von Willebrand Factor Antigen
Warfarin, Plasma
Whooping Cough - PCR
Whooping Cough - Serology
Yersinia Serology
Zinc, plasma
Wound culture (swab)
Pus culture (swab)
Free Androgen Index (Testosterone $35, SHBG $35)