
Corona Virus
January 30, 2020

The number of cases reported globally due to nCoV are rising. However, no confirmed cases have been reported in New Zealand by the MOH to date. The situation is being monitored closely and information is being updated on a regular basis. Any patient in primary care who is suspected of having 2019 nCoV infection and being considered for testing should be discussed and approved by the local Public…

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MDRO Screens
November 18, 2019

A continuing rise in multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) in New Zealand has led to increased demand for MDRO screens, particularly with the recent emergence of CPEs. MDRO screens include screening for one or more of the following: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) Vancomycin resistant Enterococci (VRE) Carbapenemase producing…

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Sputum Cytology Specimens
November 11, 2019

In a recent review of processes, we now respectfully request any sputum cytology be sent as a separate sputum sample with a separate laboratory form, and not combined with other requests such as Microbiology microscopy, culture and susceptibilities (M,C, & S), and/or mycobacterial culture, etc. on the same specimen. Cytology (3 specimens – different days), separate specimens and laboratory form…

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Clinical Details on Microbiology Request Forms - Update
October 16, 2019

The requirement for clinical details on all microbiology request forms has now been in place for six weeks. Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this initial period of implementation. The vast majority of samples now arrive at the microbiology laboratory with good clinical details, justifying the request and providing additional useful information where required. This has made a huge…

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Pathlab Bay of Plenty change in Saturday opening hours
September 03, 2019

Effective 28th September, the Saturday opening times for 8 Grenada St, Mt Maunganui & 829 Cameron Rd, Tauranga collection facilities will change from 7.30am to 8.00am. Closing time remains at 12pm. We would be most grateful if you could amend any paperwork accordingly.

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