LDL equation / LH & FSH reference intervals update
May 04, 2022
Waikato DHB and Pathlab will implement a new LDL- Cholesterol (LDL-C) equation on 16th May 2022. The Friedwald equation has been used to calculate LDL since 1972. Friedewald knew that with increasing triglyceride levels, the calculated LDL-C was progressively falsely lower when compared with the gold standard technique and therefore Friedewald stated LDL-C should not be calculated when…
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COVID-19 testing surge: Changes to Microbiology Requesting
November 22, 2021
As you will be acutely aware, COVID-19 has appeared in the Lakes and BOP communities over the past week. This has caused unprecedented demand for COVID testing and at present the local demand outstrips our testing capacity at Pathlab. We urgently need to reduce routine molecular and microbiology testing for the foreseeable future in order to re-allocate staff and keep turnaround times low for…
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Microbiology Requesting During COVID-19 Testing Surge
September 28, 2021
As you will be aware, COVID-19 wastewater testing in Tauranga from 23rd September has produced a positive signal, and extended wastewater testing in the region will occur in the next couple of days to clarify the situation. As a result, we are expecting a large surge in COVID PCR test numbers over the next few days. Other microbiology and molecular requests need to be urgently reduced in order for…
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Post-Surge Microbiology Testing during COVID Pandemic
September 08, 2021
COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 test volumes have now settled to some extent from the latest test surge due to the community outbreak of the Delta variant. However, COVID test numbers remain elevated and further surges notwithstanding, are likely to continue at increased levels for the foreseeable future. Normal requesting patterns can now be resumed (including samples for mycobacterial culture following the…
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Medical Venesection - Iron Overload / Polycythaemia
September 02, 2021
Pathlab Waikato previously operated a Venesection service under the direction and control of the referring clinician, with oversight by our service. During the COVID lockdown period, and at the direction of the National Haematologist advisory group, medical venesection for iron overload was restricted to those patients with ferritin >1000 μg/L. Implementation of this direction required an audit of…
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